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Munich School

The so-called Munich School formed under the reign of King Ludwig I when Munich was establishing itself as an important cultural center. The Munich School was known for a high academic level and had strong ties to dynastic preferences. In Munich, the Nazarene Cornelius as well as Schnorr were active at the Academy. However, the actual Munich School reached its peak first under the Academy leadership of Carl von Piloty. The Munich School was involved with the genres history, genre and landscape painting; still lifes and representations of animals also belonged to the regular repertoire of the Munich School. Representatives of the Munich School are: Nikolaus Gysis, Hans Makart, Wilhelm von Diez, Franz von Lenbach, Karl von Piloty.

Related artists:  Balwé, Arnold  |  Bürkel, Heinrich  |  Chelminski, Jan  |  Compton, Edward Theodore  |  Cucuel, Edward  |  Defregger, Franz von  |  Dill, Otto  |  Grützner, Eduard von  |  Hackert, Jacob Philipp  |  Hess, Peter von  |  Koester, Alexander  |  Pippel, Otto  |  Putz, Leo  |  Raupp, Karl  |  Rugendas, Johann Moritz  |  Schleich d. J., Eduard  |  Schnackenberg, Walter  |  Slevogt, Max  |  Stuck, Franz von  |  Trübner, Wilhelm  |  Wagenbauer, Max Joseph  |  Weisgerber, Albert  |  Wierusz-Kowalski, Alfred von  |  Wopfner, Joseph  |  Zügel, Heinrich von  

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Karl Hofer
Starting bid: 25,000 EUR

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