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Current offers

Beckmann, Max
Großer Clown mit Frauen und kleiner Clown
Oil on canvas, 1950

Estimated price  1.400.000 EUR
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from the vendor >>

Burri, Alberto
Legno P 1
Oil, Wood veneer and glue on canvas, 1958

Estimated price  900.000 EUR
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from the vendor >>

Nolde, Emil
Landschaft mit Seebüllhof
Oil on canvas, 1930

Estimated price  600.000 EUR
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from the vendor >>

Noland, Kenneth
Via Media (Suddenly)
Acrylic on canvas, 1963

Estimated price  600.000 EUR
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Nay, Ernst Wilhelm
Oil on canvas, 1956

Estimated price  400.000 EUR
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Nolde, Emil
Oil on canvas, 1919

Estimated price  400.000 EUR
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from the vendor >>

Schmidt-Rottluff, Karl
Fischer auf der Düne
Oil on canvas, 1921

Estimated price  400.000 EUR
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from the vendor >>

Manzoni, Piero
Mixed media. Sewn canvas and kaolin, 1959

Estimated price  400.000 EUR
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from the vendor >>

More current offers: 192

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Fine Art Auction

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Starting bid: 7,000 EUR

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