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Current offers

Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig
Damenkapelle (Im Konzertsaal)
Etching in colors, 1908

Estimated price  35.000 EUR
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from the vendor >>

Marx, Karl
Das Kapital

Estimated price  30.000 EUR
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from the vendor >>

Rohlfs, Christian
Landschaft bei Hetschburg
Oil on canvas, 1907

Starting bid  18.000 EUR
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from the vendor >>

Heckel, Erich
Gelbe Wand
Watercolor, 1909

Starting bid  14.000 EUR
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from the vendor >>

Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig
Dodo nackt am Boden sitzend
Charcoal drawing, 1908

Starting bid  13.500 EUR
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from the vendor >>

Heckel, Erich
Beim Schminken
Watercolor, 1910

Starting bid  7.000 EUR
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from the vendor >>

Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig
Laufende Badende
Chalk drawing, 1909

Starting bid  6.000 EUR
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from the vendor >>

not found
Nolde, Emil
Der große Vogel
Woodcut, 1906

Estimated price  4.000 EUR
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from the vendor >>

More current offers: 8

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Fine Art Auction

Christian Rohlfs
Starting bid: 18,000 EUR

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