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Erich Heckel

19 items found for

Heckel, Erich
Zwei Menschen im Freien
Oil on canvas, 1909

Post-Auction Sale  380.000 EUR
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Heckel, Erich
Frauenbildnis (Bildnis Siddi Heckel)
Oil on canvas, 1925

Post-Auction Sale  50.000 EUR
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Heckel, Erich
Erzgebirgslandschaft (im Winter)
Oil on canvas, 1928

Post-Auction Sale  30.000 EUR
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Heckel, Erich
Woodcut in colors, 1919

Estimated price  30.000 EUR
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Heckel, Erich
Gelbe Wand
Watercolor, 1909

Post-Auction Sale  20.000 EUR
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Heckel, Erich
Blick auf die Förde
Watercolor, 1919

Post-Auction Sale  14.000 EUR
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Heckel, Erich
Weiblicher Kopf
Pencil drawing, 1913

Post-Auction Sale  12.000 EUR
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Heckel, Erich
Beim Schminken
Watercolor over pen and ink, 1910

Post-Auction Sale  10.000 EUR
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Heckel, Erich
Charcoal drawing, 1905

Post-Auction Sale  10.000 EUR
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Heckel, Erich
Die Ballade vom Zuchthaus zu Reading
6 sheet Woodcuts, 1907

Post-Auction Sale  9.000 EUR
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Heckel, Erich
Bäume am Kliff
Watercolor over pencil, 1914

Post-Auction Sale  8.000 EUR
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Heckel, Erich
Spitzer Berg
Watercolor over black chalk, 1923

Post-Auction Sale  8.000 EUR
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Heckel, Erich
Tulpen in grünem Glas
Watercolor over pencil, 1957

Post-Auction Sale  8.000 EUR
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Heckel, Erich
India ink drawing, 1909

Post-Auction Sale  7.000 EUR
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Heckel, Erich
Umschlag, Titelblatt und Inhaltsverzeichnis der Mappe "Elf Holzschnitte, 1912-1919, Erich Heckel bei J.B. Neumann"
Two Woodcuts and the title woodcut (red paper) ..., 1921

Post-Auction Sale  6.000 EUR
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Heckel, Erich
Bäume am Kanal
Black Chalks and pencil, 1912

Post-Auction Sale  4.000 EUR
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Heckel, Erich
India ink drawing and pencil, 1936

Post-Auction Sale  4.000 EUR
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Heckel, Erich
Drypoint and surface etching, 1924

Post-Auction Sale  3.000 EUR
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Heckel, Erich
Titelblatt des Kataloges der Ausstellung Deutsche Kunst unserer Zeit, Überlingen 1945

Post-Auction Sale  1.000 EUR
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Current offers

not found
Dix, Otto
Bilderbuch für Hana
Watercolor, 1925

Estimated price  250.000 EUR
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Pechstein, Hermann Max
Häuser in Hendaye
Oil on canvas, 1931

Post-Auction Sale  50.000 EUR
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Stenner, Hermann
Selbstbildnis im Kostüm (Der Römer)
Oil on canvas, 1913

Post-Auction Sale  45.000 EUR
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Münter, Gabriele
Zwei Vasen vor blauem Tablett
Oil on cardboard, 1934

Estimated price  50.000 EUR
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Stenner, Hermann
Ziegelei / Stehende Madonna
Oil on canvas (painted on both sides), 1913

Post-Auction Sale  36.000 EUR
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Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig
Straßenszene (Berlin)
Pencil, black and color Chalks, 1914

Post-Auction Sale  40.000 EUR
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Schmidt-Rottluff, Karl
Kristusmappe (9 Holzschnitte)
The portfolio comprising 9 Woodcuts, table of c..., 1918

Post-Auction Sale  30.000 EUR
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Stenner, Hermann
Alpenveilchen II
Oil on cardboard, 1912

Post-Auction Sale  27.000 EUR
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from the vendor >>

More current offers: 37

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Getulio Alviani
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