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d.i. Wolfgang Cilarz Salomé

1954 Karlsruhe

Wolfgang Cilarz made an apprenticeship as architectural draftsman in civil engineering at Karlsruhe, after which he worked for the City of Karlsruhe for a short period of time. Then Wolfgang Cilarz decided to go to Berlin, where he appeared using the pseudonym "Salomé" in 1973.
Salomé, who worked as a model and was therefore surrounded by artists, began to look into art and started to draw himself. With increasing ardor Salomé drew pictures of himself, which he used to apply for a place at the "Hochschule der Künste", where he was admitted to study painting under Ulrich Knipsel from 1974 to 1980. Later he became master student of Karl Horst Hödicke.
In 1977 Salomé joined Helmut Middendorf, Rainer Fetting and Bernd Zimmer to found the "Selbsthilfegalerie" ("Selfhelp Gallery") at Moritzplatz. The artist appeared in self-inscenations and performed in films and radio plays.
His works are about processing personal conflicts with the moral conventions of society. Only in art can Salomé live the freedom he does not have in nomal life due to the lack of understanding of society. This occurs both on the levels of form and content. In his gestural expressive painting, the artist depicts erotic, outsiders and misfits, in self-portraits he deals with his homosexuality with an erotic voyeurist intention.
But Salomé expects his pictures to be more than provocation. Through painting he wants to get closer to the people and understand them.

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Fine Art Auction

Stephan Balkenhol
Starting bid: 15,000 EUR

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